Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hello, Fashionista Here.

I know that I'm just one of millions of girls out there who are obsessed with clothes, designers, magazines, and everything fashion. How many of us grew up playing dress-up with our mom's clothes? How many of us have collages of outfits cut out from various fashion magazines? I'm also just one of who-know-how-many people who want to break into the fashion industry, whether in designing, modeling, or photography, to name a few. In my case, the dream job would be a fashion editor at a magazine - I absolutely love Teen Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire... I love them all.

Unfortunately for me, my university doesn't offer a major (or any classes) that are related to fashion, so I'm going to have to make my own way. Take art classes, read books on fashion in my spare time, take lots of writing classes (maybe journalism?), and keep devouring those fashion magazines. And those things are just to prepare me for even the slightest chance. I'm sure that there are a lot of people out there who are still in the same boat as me.

So what's a girl to do? Well, for now, it looks like all I can really do is hope. In the meantime, though, I'm going to keep on doing everything I can to keep developing skills. Keep on learning about clothes in order to create my own personal style. Keep on looking through those magazines not just for the clothes, but also to learn about how they're put together and what kind of articles go in them. Keep on scouring online sites to familiarize myself with designers, stylists, editors, and trends. That kind of thing. Maybe, one day, it'll pay off.

I'm also hoping to use this blog to my advantage. I don't know how many people (if any) will end up reading this, but it'll definitely help me improve my writing with a specific audience in mind, not to mention it will be useful as a catalogue of everything else that I'm doing. And now that I've rambled on for a while, allow me to conclude with something simple:


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